Although the Frosty Toes Book Shop doesn’t qualify as an art piece, it’s definitely the perfect example of well-done interior design that borders on art simply because it makes you feel some kind of way. With its warm colors, deep couches, numerous books, and overall cozy atmosphere, it screams relax, no worries, both lives are good, just hang out.
In this case, it’s Archie Meets Kiss.
And hang out you will because it’s done rather cleverly. Each book you see on the tables, or on the shelves is linked to an actual ezine. So you click on the book inworld and the system asks you if you want to view it in your browser which then takes you to the Internet Archive and the book you clicked on. In this case, it’s Archie Meets Kiss and you can read it online at your heart’s leisure.
One of the many books at Frosty Toes.

You’ll need an account. Signup is easy and also it’s free! But after that’s done you literally have a whole bookshop to browse through, perfect for those cold and snowy days.
If you set a cuppa next to you on your desk in real life, you could almost be there in your virtual one.
Now, most click-to links are not new or even anything special. We SL residents use them all the time. But, there’s something about the way these are connected, the way the books link directly to themselves online, that makes this personal. You feel as though you are in a bookshop and If you set a cuppa next to you on your desk in real life, you could almost be there in your virtual one.
Most places in SL are just made to bring your friends along to experience them with you. However, this little bookshop is best visited alone or with your introverted friend. You’ll be spending a great deal of time clicking and reading, which is kind of a solitary thing.
When you have a lazy afternoon on a rainy day, drop in at Frosty Toes and get your introvert on.
Here’s your Uber: