It’s all about: The Wave House
and The Wave Store too!em>
Finally after almost a year, 19 has a new home thanks to Aries Mohindi who offered half of her place to support the arts in SL. I wanted to build some wave type buildings, some that blends with a water environment.this is the result of my efforts. The first is my home in SL. I’m not a stickler for kitchens and baths, probably because I hate cleaning them in R! So they consist of open floor plans and often a second story or loft. My house has a loft as you can see from the pictures. But the gallery does not which leaves tall open ceilings that gives the illusion of more space. These are quite small but offer me all the space I need for privacy and work area. The only thing I absolutely insist on is lots of glass. The system I use was made for a friend whereby I can have a texture and have it give me different transparency options in different parts of the house. Which means I can have the front windows solid stain glass and the upper completely transparent or vice versa if I want. My house is private but you’re welcome to stop by and see if from the outside. The gallery is always open so you can also see what you can do with the inside of these structures.
[rollinglinks]19, Aries Cove[/rollinglinks]If you are not familiar with the virtual world of Secondlife, time for you to check it out! You can join and drop by my place after!
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